Our Services

Our Services

At Naval Solutions Ltd, we are committed to delivering excellence in all our services. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and let us help you achieve your naval objectives.

Dreadnought & SSN(R)/AUKUS

Dreadnought & SSN(R)/AUKUS

We’ve developed and implemented comprehensive safety strategies, conducted large-scale assurance reviews, and launched Safety Management Systems, ensuring stringent safety standards and operational excellence.

Support to In-Service Submarines

Support to In-Service Submarines

Our expertise in supporting in-service nuclear submarines includes authoring and reviewing safety documents, providing deep understanding of maritime operations, and ensuring smooth transitions and operational efficiency of state-of-the-art vessels.

Autonomous Assurance Capability

Autonomous Assurance Capability

In collaboration with a small business experienced in autonomous systems for military purposes, we’ve designed and trialed various autonomous technologies. This includes an autonomous small UAS, uncrewed ground vehicles for resupply and ISR missions, and the development of autonomous planning algorithms. Our work spans EO/IR sensors, lidar, sonar, radar, and extensive use of synthetic environments for validation and training.

AUV Safety Management System Development (SDA)

AUV Safety Management System Development (SDA)

Currently, we are developing a proportionate safety management system for AUVs for the SDA. This effort recognises the reduced risk to life in unmanned systems while maintaining safety and certification standards. Our work considers all phases, from initial trials to fully autonomous operations, reflecting our commitment to cutting-edge naval safety.

Support to Naval Authority

Support to Naval Authority

Commissioned by the UK Naval Authority, we developed policies and certification strategies for various complex systems, including Atmospheric Control, Fire, Propulsion, and Ordnance. We crafted an Efficient Safety Strategy, performed audits, and provided critical support to the Nuclear Propulsion Project Team.

Civil Nuclear

Civil Nuclear

Engaged in the Hinkley Point C Project, our consultants provided solution architecture services, implemented Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), and conducted human factors assessments, demonstrating expertise in nuclear safety, structural integrity, and innovative energy solutions.

Project SALUS

Project SALUS

Serving as the Technical Delivery Manager, we led a three-year programme focused on delivering safety and environmental improvements across the Ships Operating Centre within MoD DE&S, successfully executing over 1,000 outputs through more than 50 individual projects.

Specialist Major Bid Support

Specialist Major Bid Support

We offered expertise in the Fleet Solid Support Competitive Tender Lead and provided specialist bid support using the Shipley Method, playing the Technical Lead role in the Royal Navy SELBORNE competitive bid for Lockheed Martin.

Nuclear Training

Nuclear Training

As Nuclear Training Consultants for EDF Energy’s Hinkley Point C (HPC) Project, our Team led the development of key training programmes using the ADDIE cycle, crafting comprehensive training solutions tailored for nuclear power operations.

Let us know about your next project.

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